First Time Users


Are you using this intake for the first time? Follow all of the steps below.

Contact with any questions.

NO NPI Information! ELA does not accept any content for translation that contains NPI information. See the FAQ for guidance on documents containing NPI information.

Establishing your Project Requester Account

You'll need an account in order to request projects. Your SSO credentials will be used.

Step 1. Complete the ELA Project Requester Questionnaire

Step 2. Click on the orange "Log in" button in the menu bar above.

Step 3. On the pop-up box, click on the "Log in using external authentication" button. Leave the username and password fields blank.

Step 4. After the SSO authentication completes, you'll route to the Home page. You can navigate back to these instructions by clicking on the first-time users link from the main menu bar.

Step 5. ELA will review and configure the profile. (NOTE: This may take 1-2 days.)

Step 6. Your account will be ready to use after ELA completes the configuration. You must log out and close out of the browser tab before logging back in for the updated configuration settings to activate. 


Submitting Your First Request

Once your account is ready and configured, you are able to submit your first request.

Step A. Click on the orange "Log in" button in the menu bar above.

Step B. On the pop-up box, click on the "Log in using external authentication" button. Leave the username and password fields blank.

Step C. After the the SSO authentication completes, you'll come back to the Home page.

Step D. Click on Submit Request in the menu bar above.

Step E. If you have access to different Project types, you'll need to select the correct one from the Blue menu adjacent to the orange user button on the menu bar above. 

Step F. Fill in the intake form fields. If you need guidance on any particular field, you can consult the ELA Intake Form Fields Guidance document.

Step G. After submitting the intake, ELA will receive the request and begin processing the project. If there are any questions, a member of the ELA PM team will be in touch. You can monitor the progress of the project using the Project Status page.